Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) services

Our SEM services include search engine optimization (seo), site submission to major search engines and directories, development of reciprocal or one-way links, PPC management and miscellaneous tools and techniques for the promotion and search engine ranking of websites of our clients.

The most sought-out and the most-abused are SEM services. There are far more promises, unrealistic, baseless and incredible, than the results. There are hundreds and thousands of sites offering services relating to seo, site submission, ranking, links and PPC promotion. How many of them really care for their clients’ money and business interest is a big question mark?

We have learned the truth the hard way by spending a lot of money on the search engine marketing of our own sites through other promoters before we ventured in to offer SEM services to our clients. In our opinion, we have paid the cost of learning the truth.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

SEO is the key to the promotion of the website on the search engines. The title, description and keywords of the site are extremely important to attract search engine spiders, crawlers and bots to search and index the site. These 3 components must be relevant to the content of the page. It is said that “content is the king.” So, the starting point is the website itself. We recommend that SEO consultant be associated with the website design, website development and website hosting to incorporate the keys for search engine marketing.

Site Submission to Major Search Engines and Directories:

There are hundreds and thousands of search engines and directories. However, there are very few that really count for the promotion of any website. A website has to be first indexed by the search engines. The search engines take their own time to index the websites. Next step is ranking on the search engines. It is said that “your site does not exist if it is not listed among the top 100.”Search engine ranking again is something that each search engine does in its own discretion. However, there are ways and means to achieve good ranking within a reasonable time through clean and permissible methods. Similar is the case with the directories. There is hardly any significant difference between the approach of the directories and the search engines in indexing and ranking sites.

Links building:

Link popularity plays a significant role in the ranking of the site on major search engines. There are reciprocal links and there are one-way links. There are free links and there are paid links. Your site will go up on the search engine results pages (SERPs) when it is clicked more often.

Pay-Per-Click Promotion (PPC):

PPC is the short-cut to bringing traffic to your site. Google Adwords, Yahoo’s Overture, FindWhat and Kanoodle are the four major PPC providers. Whether PPC is expensive or not depends upon the size of your business, nature of your product or service, target market, expected turnover and so on. Nothing is expensive or cheap without relevance to the objectives. At the end of the day, it is the ROI that matters.

Other site promotion tools and techniques:

There are many other tools and techniques much less expensive for promoting site and search engine ranking such as article syndication, blogging, interactive forums, and so on.

CAUTION: Many a site promise top ranking positions on major search engines in unbelievably short time. Don’t fall prey to their claims. Such promises are not worth the paper on which these are written.

Resource Management Group
Website: http://www.rmgincorp.com/
Email: rmg@rmgincorp.com